
Cancellation policy

Refund conditions

Dear Clients, we inform you that when requesting a refund upon refusal to purchase, the refund is made exclusively to the same bank card from which the payment was made.

Security policy

When paying for an order with a bank card, payment processing (including entering the card number) takes place on a secure page of the processing system that has passed international certification.

This means that your confidential data (card details, registration data, etc.) do not enter the online store, their processing is completely protected and no one, including our online store, can receive the client's personal and banking data.

When working with card data, the information security standard developed by the international payment systems Visa and Mastercard-Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS) is used, which ensures the secure processing of the details of the Holder's Bank Card.

The applied data transmission technology guarantees security for transactions with Bank cards by using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Verifiedby Visa, Secure Code protocols, and closed banking networks with the highest degree of protection.

2021-06-02 08:23