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Agency margin profit calculator

Start generating recurring revenue and take your agency to the next level.
Learn how much Gross Margin you can earn by offering Loyalty as a Service to your clients.

Boomerangme - Loyalty platform designed for agencies | Product Hunt
Gain the knowledge to scale your agency in just 2 minutes of your time
Enter the number of clients (current or prospective) to whom you will set up a loyalty program
For example, we have a plan for local businesses for $199. You can set any price you want
Monthly Revenue ($)
ROI (%)
How much percent will the loyalty program pay off
ROI ($)
Paying for the service for $259/month you get back:
No credit card required
How do we calculate these values?

What is ROI?

Formula: ROI=(Revenue-Costs)/Costs

ROI is the rate of return on investment. It allows you to measure the effectiveness of the money spent.

ROI (%) means how many times you will get a return on your investment.
ROI ($) means how much money you will get back after investing $259/month
How we calculated Revenue?
Formula: Revenue=number of clients*average check

Based on our statistics, our clients reach $10000 MRR in the first 3 months.

To achieve this goal, it is enough to connect 20 clients with an average check of $500
What's the cost of the service?
Cost of service $259 + $15 for each sub account over the limit