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Testimonial with Kamal Hussein, CEO @ Vercle Agency

Testimonial with Kamal Hussein, CEO @ Vercle Agency

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14-day free trial. No credit card required

What we told about

Verkl is a tech and marketing company dedicated to the food sector, serving restaurants and takeaways. Boomerang integration changed our agency's approach to client conversion. Previously, our services required significant client commitment, resulting in lower conversion rates.

We started using Boomerang three months ago. The first two months focused on research, setup, and understanding the technical aspects. In the past month, we began active sales to existing and new clients. This resulted in 8 closed clients and 15 hot leads in negotiation.

Our clients value three key aspects of Boomerang. The brand value positioning places their business alongside major brands like Lloyd's, Tesco, and Tide. The post-COVID environment made businesses more receptive to digital solutions and technology integration. The low hardware requirements mean clients can use existing mobile phones or simple tablets, avoiding the $1000-3000 upfront costs of traditional POS systems.

The typical client conversion process takes about four weeks from introduction through negotiation to closing. This timeline emerged from our experience starting in November, working through the busy December period, and closing deals by late January.

For new agencies starting with Boomerang, our process involves three steps. First, choose your specific market niche. Second, research current market practices and develop targeted strategies. Third, conduct face-to-face demos with prepared card examples in Boomerang to demonstrate practical applications. Direct demonstrations prove most effective for securing initial clients.

Boomerang now serves as our primary entry product. We can show clients actual customer retention data rather than just standard marketing metrics. This concrete data presentation, combined with minimal upfront commitment, creates natural opportunities for additional service adoption.

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